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de Villiers Moore

I was very fortunate as my mother was always knitting, doing embroidery, making us toys, painting us special birthday cards/paintings or sewing our clothes. I learnt to enjoy using my talents I got from her. Over the many years I made my clothing, my girls clothing, knitting, crocheting and now I am in love with quilting.
I am happily married to the best man ever. We have now been married for 35 years (2018) and we have 3 very talented and special daughters. We love dogs and our house has been blessed with many of these loving animals.
I have given away so many of my creations and have been told over and over again that I should sell them. I now have the opportunity to work at home full time and quilt, crochet/sew toys for others. If you are interested, please look at my website and see what is available to buy. Leave a message in the space provided at the bottom of this page and I will get back to you asap. If you are just interested in seeing what I have been fortunate to make, please browse.
Thank you to all the pattern creators for allowing us quilters, toy makers to buy and use your patterns to keep our "fingers and minds" busy making them.
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